Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Children See, Children Do

In light of my new social psychology topic 'violence in the media and its impact upon children', i thought i'd start by posting a few videos which highlight the effect of social learning theory, whereby children acquire behaviours by watching them being performed. This first video is a powerful commercial on television warning parents about the impact their behaviour has on their children. It shows children copying behaviours ranging from smoking, to vomiting, to racism, to physical violence. Quite a powerful ad!

This second video is of Bandura's famous (1965) bo bo doll experiment where children are seen to be copying violent behaviours modelled by adults towards a bo bo clown doll. The other important component of this experiment was that children witnessed one of two outcomes of such aggressive behaviour- either they saw the model being rewarded for the behaviour, or punished for the behaviour. Children who saw the model being rewarded for the behaviour were far more likely to replicate the aggressive behaviour towards the bobo doll.


Michelle said...

Hi Loz, you're keen to get blog 2 underway, well done! With the "Children See, Children Do" ad, I agree its a very powerful vehicle to illustrate the influence parents/peers have on their children. The formative years are so integral to the childs growth and every opportunity must be afforded to them to learn pro social behaviour.

Mark said...

I totally agree with Michelle on that, it really makes you think about how children are so easily influenced and model the the behaviour of their parents and those around you.